Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Still here....

A mother's day birth would have been cool...but as we expected, it did not happen. We are still here waiting and our feeling is that we will continue to wait another week or so. Then again...who knows? Mother Nature works in mysterious ways... Yesterday was Deuce's first Mother's Day! Hope yours was wonderful. We went to the deli for breakfast with my family and then spent lunch with Deb's family. We were home and on the couch before dinner!! ;-) Friday after work we went shopping at Babies R Us and bought a whole bunch of stuff for Deuce. We already have a new stroller and car seat. We bought a cool bouncy seat, some toys, bottles, bibs, etc. We also bought a cool new front carrier so we can carry Deuce on our bodies. Awesome. Elijah had fun picking out things with us. The only stuff we couldn't get were clothes. That's the only negative about not knowing the gender of the baby. No idea what to get!! So we bought some neutral swaddlers and onesies but that was about it.

Over the next three days, Deuce's chest will become more prominent. Deuce's abdomen will be big and round at birth because of the size of the liver. Deuce's liver will be naturally large because of the special role it has had in the production of blood cells.

A kick from the womb during this stage of pregnancy can almost knock a book off your lap!!

If any of the vernix (the creamy protective substance on the surface of Deuce's skin) remains until birth, it is usually found only on the baby's back. As the vernix sloughs off Deuce's skin, the amniotic fluid may change from clear and straw colored to milky.

This day in the Elijah pregnancy, my journal entry: "It's funny, I only feel nervous when my beeper goes off. Spencer beeped me yesterday and I almost wet myself."

Have a good Monday everyone!!


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