Thursday, March 27, 2003

So we are SEVEN short weeks away from having a baby!! Deuce, as we call him/her, should arrive right on time in mid-May. We are excited!! One difference I notice every day between this pregnancy and the Elijah pregnancy is that I am not scared this time. I can remember staring up at the ceiling at night all the time in 1999 while Deb was pregnant with Elijah. I could not get to sleep and my heart would race like crazy. I was terrified! Here comes this little, helpless, living being. It's going to be born into this world and the only support system it will have is Deb and I. It will depend on us to survive. Man, I remember those nights. This time, however, it's completely different. I am not scared at all...just incredibly excited! Elijah is too, or so it seems. It will be interesting to see how he reacts when Deuce arrives. We have done everything we could do for him to get him prepared. He went to a sibling class, we bought him books and videos. In our minds, he is ready. We are expecting him to regress a bit. That is normal. He already shows some signs of baby talk. That's OK. I think he will be a great "big brudder" to Deuce. He is SURE that Deuce is a girl too. NO WAY this baby is a Elijah's world. Oh well...time will tell...

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