I can't believe he's SIX!!! A bunch of us went to Lincoln Financial Field on Saturday to get a tour of the place and then went to Friendly's for ice cream. The Eagles field was very cool and we got to step on the field and tour the press box and the post-game conference room. They would not let us in the Eagles locker room because it was the day before a game. Still a good time was had by all and the Star Wars toys are piling up in the house!!!

Warm wishes and MAZEL TOV to our friends Julie and Marc (see Tales from the Stirrups) on the successful return home with their new son! He's gorgeous!
I don't wanna jinx anything here but it looks like our house has been sold! We are going through some typical attorney review/inspection issues now but it looks like closing will be NEXT FRIDAY. Just mentioning that makes my stomach hurt. I am not going to say much more yet but we are having movers come and pack up everything and store it until the final move to Utah in late March or early April. We will be taking up with the parental units until then. This means that we will be OUT OF OUR HOUSE by this time - next week. Gulp. I will update you all later on.
Meanwhile we have visitors!! Luis is back in town from Colombia and this time he brought Sabrina and her beautiful daughter Sophia. I will post pictures next time. They are staying with my parents until mid-January...which....means.....yes.....you got it. Sardines. Should be a fun couple of weeks.
Sadie sleeps 5-6 hours straight at night!! Deb is doing a phenomenal job with her schedule. I am convinced that any baby can spend a week with Deb and get on an excellent sleep schedule!
While we were at the link, I took some time in the Press Conference Room to introduce the new wide receiver for the Eagles next year. The press was there to take photos...
So HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELIJAH!!! I hope to get more pictures of you like this in the coming weeks but I am afraid you are never going to put down the GameBoy we bought you!! WE LOVE YOU!
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