Thursday, September 18, 2008

Most Precious

For the first few weeks of school, Elijah was walking Hannah to her Kindergarten line at the front of the school before going to his class line. Thing is, his 3rd grade line is completely at the other end and behind the school. He didn't mind one bit. Each morning we drop them off together and watch as Elijah escorts Hannah to the proper line. Then he turns around and starts the long trek around the building - looking back to Hannah several times until he disappears from her sight. It's adorable and I can never get tired of watching that each morning. This week marked Hannah's first week going to the line by herself. We drop Elijah off closer to his line and then drive Hannah to hers. This morning I watched her as she walked to the front of the line and stood there quietly waiting for the bell to ring. These are moments a parent will never forget....

Tonight also marked Elijah's first day of Hebrew School. He's been going to Sunday school for a few years but now he's going on Wednesday nights as well. He's going to start learning Hebrew and he really loved his first day. I got a little nauseous tonight when I realized it was just five years until his Bar Mitzvah.

Sadie likes going to the "synagod" as well. She has the run of the place while she's there - doing laps around the inside of the building and stopping once in awhile to join her friends at her Sunday Training Wheels program. "Daddy, can we go to the synagod and go twimming?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jordan, you sure have a way with words. You have been blessed with wonderful children. G-d bless you all. Mom