My grandpa Irving passed away in 1992. He was 92 years old and lived in Florida. He had been living down there for quite a few years so I didn't get to spend a whole lot of time with him in his later years. Growing up in Central Jersey, he lived in Brooklyn so I have great memories of spending time in the apartment on holidays, etc. He was my last grandpa so it was sad when he died and I think about him often. One of the memories that always comes to mind is the white shoes. Grandpa Irving always wore those patent leather white shoes. He wore them in the morning, noon and night. Typical grandpa in Florida. White shoes, polyester patterned pants and belt with the buckle pulled to the side. Beautiful.
I bring this up because we lost another pair of white shoes last week. Deb's grandfather, Zeide Abe, passed away after several weeks in the hospital at the age of 80. Too early. He was a good man whom I got to know over the last 8 years. His life had not been the same since his wife, Bobe Ana, passed away in April, 2001. He's probably happier now. I was grateful to have had a grandfather again, even if it was just for a few years. Deb spent the week in Florida with Hannah. I went down for 24 hours to pay my respects. I came back and Elijah and I spent a few days alone together.
When I told Elijah that Mommy went to Florida to see Zeide Abe because he was sick, Elijah asked, "Is he going to get dead?" I said I didn't know. The next morning, he passed away. I wonder if Elijah understands. When Deb got back on Saturday from Florida, Elijah said he wished he could have gone too.
I never knew my great-grandfather. I think it's neat that Elijah got to know one of his. Zeide Abe always said that Elijah was going to be President of the United States. "El Presidente" he called him.
All of this makes me think of my Grandmother. Buba Pearl is 98 years old. She is lucid, she is in good health and she lives in the a Jewish home here in Cherry Hill. Imagine if Zeide Abe had lived to 98! Elijah would be 22 years old!! Hannah would be 19!
I will always remember Zeide Abe. I am honored to have known him. I know Bobe Ana is up there ironing his underwear again! (she really did that!)

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