It seems like life is one big WAIT at this point. Littlefoot is fully cooked and whenever she's ready to join us is perfectly OK! Deb looks great and her last day at work is tomorrow. I am going to celebrate with her office at the end of the day and then it's WAIT time! We are scheduled to be induced on Friday the 11th unless Littlefoot comes sooner.
Most of you know by now that the move to Utah was slightly delayed due to construction and permit issues in our building in Salt Lake. It's good and bad. It's good because I get to be home more for Deb to help with Littlefoot. She does not have to worry about me leaving two weeks after the baby was born. Instead, it looks like we will be starting in early January and the official move will be in late January. It's bad because I am eager to get this business going!!! It's all good, though.
The house is still on the market. It's been eight weeks or so and we have lowered the price by about $15K but NONE of the houses in the hood are selling at all. The market STINKS!!! Still, no panic. We have another open house (our 4th) this Sunday and still hope to sell ASAP!!!
Halloween was hysterical. Elijah was Anakin Sywalker and Hannah was Cinderella. She was a TROOPER!! She walked up to each house and said "TRICK or TREAATTTTTTT" and got TONS of candy. She konked out a few blocks from home and I carried her the rest of the way. I don't have a picture handy here but here is one of Elijah (not his Halloween costume).
Short and sweet today....I need to post more and I want to but I am on limited time today and have to get to Hannah's back to school night!!

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